Many people ask Holly, “What is your specialty?” In reality, a master therapist handles a variety of complex issues and personalities. For example, if a couple comes in for relationship help, one person may be struggling with depression, the other may have trauma issues and their children may have Asperger’s Syndrome and/or ADHD, and so forth. Seeing a therapist who is experienced and skilled at treating a variety of areas is advantageous. After all, we are multifaceted human beings, not simply one disorder. You are complex and deserve the best treatment you can get. Following is a partial list of some of the issues that Holly helps people with.
Peak performance. Learn techniques to be more efficient, motivated and focused. Growth oriented people are rare. Are you one of the few? Would you be happy with a therapist that doesn't challenge you, brainstorm with you, give you ideas and spur your own creativity about your life's choices and direction? Are you ready for change? These techniques and insights can lower depression and anxiety, is solution-focused, positive and can be life changing!
The special challenges that face high performance CEO's, executives, academics, athletes, politicians, scientists, artists and entrepreneurs.
Anxiety disorders of all types. (This includes generalized anxiety disorder,
phobias, social anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic attacks, etc.)
Depression and bipolar.
Trauma of all sorts.
ADHD and being scattered or disorganized.
Managing and optimizing the mind of a creative--artists, entrepreneurs, scientists, etc.
Helping those with fast brains harness their superpowers for good (and not driving themselves crazy).
Peak performance. Learn techniques to be more efficient and get more done. This can lower anxiety and is exciting and life changing!
Stress management.
Nature Deficit Disorder.
Walk and talk therapy.
Relationship issues.
Chronic pain.
Highly Sensitive People.
Low motivation and procrastination.
Low self-esteem.
Assertiveness therapy and counseling. This can be especially helpful for introverted or highly sensitive individuals, as we live in an extroverted culture (by the way, there is nothing wrong with being an introvert!)
Creativity issues, writer's block, and other issues facing artists and writers.
Entertainment industry issues.
The loss of a dream.
Finding your life's purpose and/or your passion.
Increasing social skills.
Couples therapy and counseling.
Dealing with difficult family issues.
Asperger's syndrome and autism.
People who are involved in a family-owned business and entrepreneurs.
The issues that come along with being exceptionally intelligent.
Please call or email for more information.
Click here to email Holly
Phone: 626-376-3098
Holly Freeling
Psychotherapy, Counseling &
High Performance Coaching